Angel Nerima

Angel Nerima

Quality Assurance and Customer Support Office

She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Systems which contributes highly to the ability to diagnose System glitches and identify possible solutions rapidly. Angel has gained ample experience in system testing and project supervisor over the past 3 years which greatly aids her role as quality assurance officer. She has exceptional communication skills and pays feeding an ability to understand and interpret the operational needs of businesses at all levels.

Nerima has competence in Relational Database ( (Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL server, PostgreSQL, Access), Application Development (Python, JavaScript, AngularJS, Ruby on Rails, Node.JS, Java/J2EE, XForms), Middleware (XML Technologies, Spring Framework and security implementation, Hibernate, Java XML Parsers, Rest Services, Web technologies and frameworks (Word Press, JQuery, Anjular JS, PL/SQL, Djanago, Drupal, Grails)

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