Brian Nahabwe

Brian Nahabwe

Software Developer

He has a Bachelor’s degree in Software engineering from Makerere University. Brian’s speciality is in user interface design. He has been at forefront of designing and developing visualization tools for various Projects. Brian brings to the team a 4-year experience of working with several interface and visualization frameworks like D3.js charts.js, Highcharts, etc. His ability to quickly learn and deliver products using new frameworks gives a great boost to the timely delivery of Project Milestones.

He is conversant with the developer tools such as; D3.js, dc.js, groovy, SQL, HTML, CSS, Jquery, Relational Databases such as; (Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Access), Application Development tools (.NET, Python, JavaScript, AngularJS, Ruby on Rails, Node.JS, R-Script, Java/J2EE), Middleware (XML Technologies, Spring Framework and security implementation, Hibernate, Web Services, Java XML Parsers, SOAP Services, Rest Services, Azure API services, File-Based (FTP))

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